Thursday, July 23, 2009

skeleton warrior + preaux breaux geauxld + diamond hymen TOUR

Diamond Hymen / Preaux Breaux Geauxld / Skeleton Warrior

Upcoming Tour Dates!!!
1 tampa
3 atl
4 b-ham
5 nashville
6 little rock
7 denton
8 austin
9 las cruces
10 tempe
11 la
12 la
13 bay area
14 bay area
15 eugene
16 portland
17 boise
18 slc
19 denver
20 kansas city
21 demoines
22 minneapolis
23 madison
24 milwaukee
25 chicago
26 cleavland
27 pittsburg
28 baltimore
29 philly
30 NY
31 providence


Croaton said...

hey do you know where/when the philly show's going to be? thanks!

SAFG said...

I didn't even know anyone read this blog, the show was last night at BRCM, I hope you were there.